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The Covid-19 Pandemic - a Disaster or a Hope?

Cheer up everyone! The pandemic is not an enemy that God helps us defeat, as though we were ambushed by it and God just about helps us get back to the old normal. No! God is the Living God, in control. This pandemic is part of God's Plan.

Yes even God's Plan for the salvation of the world. A cancer does not get healed without operation or severe treatment. Salvation does not come without repentance. A sinful lifestyle does not get changed without repentance, and repentance usually only comes after we have been knocked out of our comfort zone. God used the pandemic to knock us out of our comfort zone, so that we can take stock and repent. That is God's gracious plan for the salvation of the world.

Of what do we need to repent? Of "affluence, arrogance, unconcern" - which God told the prophet Ezekiel is the reason God destroyed Sodom and would exile Judah. That is the attitude permeating our lifestyle today. And it is our lifestyle has increased our ecological footprint to three whole earths (five, for the USA lifestyle to which many of us aspire). This is destroying God's Earth. "The time has come," says Revelation 11:18, "... to destroy those who destroy the earth."

In the pandemic, God is graciously giving us affluent nations the chance to repent before God destroys us.

Cheer up! As those who represent God in this worls, let us lead the world in repenting and then seeing the salvation of our God for the whole Creation. We have been given this huge privilege, joy and responsibility as Christ's people in these days - to lead the world

See Also

This page, " .html", is an expression of part of a project to understand the links between climate change, global economy and other matters including society's beliefs and aspirations. It is designed to stimulate thinking and discourse. Comments, queries welcome.

This page is written on behalf of the CCGE Group by Andrew Basden, but the views expressed herein are his and not necessarily those of the other members of the Group. Written on the Amiga with Protext in the style of classic HTML. Copyright (c) Andrew Basden 2008 - present, but you may use this material subject to certain conditions.

Created: 6 February 2022 Last updated: