This is a collection of pages that list Scriptures on various issues and topics, with links to where there is further discussion.
Pages on Specific Passages of Scripture
Scriptures About Specific Topics
Discussion on the Meaning of Hebrew and Greek Words
What Has Guided My Interpretation?
My Approach to and Beliefs About Scripture
- I take all Scripture as "God-breathed" and therefore authoritative, so none is to be set aside.
- Sometimes the Holy Spirit might use pieces of Scripture to speak to one's heart. But that is the exception not the norm, and is usually for one person or group. These principles are about normal interpretation, relevant across many people.
- I take all Scripture as written by various people within their culture, so varied.
- Their culture is not my/our own culture, and therefore my/our understanding of it is always deficient.
- However there are overlaps in understanding, therefore not totally deficient.
- From Scripture, I learn a 'big' message: that "all have sinned" and "there is none good, no not one", including in our way of seeing things (worldview, culture), so my and others' interpretation will always be contaminated.
- Therefore humility with continuous questioning of all interpretations both mine and others' including those of accepted 'authorities'.
- Not questioning to reject but to better understand. And understand with 'heart' not just mind.
- I expect surprises.
- So my interpretation is: linguistic, at-face-value, pre-theoretical, cross-context, and uncovering presuppositions.
My method of interpretation
- Linguistic: take into account not only the coding of meaning as symbols (words, phrases, etc.) but only the speaker's/writer's intentions in making the utterance that way - what some linguists call this pragmatics as well as semantics.
- At-face-value: why did the writer write this way rather than another, and why did the speaker say this rather than something else?
- Pre-theoretical: relationship to everyday world and life, both of the original setting and today.
- Cross-context: look at themes and see how God treats these themes across a variety of contexts.
- Presuppositions: uncover assumptions (about what the source take to be true) and presuppositions (about what the source takes to be meaningful) when writing or speaking. Also the assumptions and presuppositions of others who interpret the Scriptures now and before.
- And maybe others.
Expanded in How I Find it Meaningful to Interpret Scripture.
See Also
This page, URL= '',
is on-going work in developing a 'New View' in theology that is appropriate to the days that are coming upon us. Comments, queries welcome.
Compiled by Andrew Basden.
Written on the Amiga with Protext in the style of classic HTML.
Created: 6 February 2017.
Last updated: 8 April 2020 luke9, psalm91; edited end. 19 August 2021 psalm 51, on.wealth, love.yourself, daniel2. 13 September 2021 prophets youtube. 18 September 2021 lv23.fruitful.nation. 11 November 2023 principles; swapped sects.